Logistics FAQ


Weather: Historically, the average weather for spring in the Silicon Valley has been 65° high seasonal, 50°F low, so it’s always good to bring a lightweight jacket or cardigan sweater for CA cooler evenings. Also, the facility main ballroom is normally cool.

Location: NASA Ames Conference Center (NACC), Bldg. 3.  Attached is a map. That map has directions on how to get to NACC Bldg. 3 once you arrive at the NASA Ames Main Gate. There is parking directly behind, in front and to the side of the building (note the one-way streets). Since NACC is located in the NASA Ames Research Park, no visitor pass is needed. That being said, you will need to show a form of U.S. picture ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport, NASA badge, etc.) to go through the gate and progress to Bldg. 3.

WiFi Access: All external NASA Guests will receive two NASA Guest Account registration emails from identity.manager@nasa.gov. The two emails will have the instructions on how to access and set up a NASA Guest Account which will give you access to WiFi during your visit. Please follow the instructions in the emails and complete all the steps prior to your arrival. 

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: : The registration link will expire within 1 hour. If the link does expire, click the Reset Password link to move forward with set up.
  • More detailed instructions are in this FAQ under the “Guest WIFI” row.

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NASA Ames Conference Center Building Map